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Caon F.
Tra lingue e culture. Per un’educazione linguistica interculturale.
Full reference
Caon, F. (cur.)  (2008). Tra lingue e culture. Per un’educazione linguistica interculturale. Milano: Mondadori.
The presence of foreign students in Italian classrooms is increasing: the multicultural school, like the rest of society, is a reality   that characterize the life of today's and tomorrow's students. The school then has the task of forming intercultural citizens, who are able to conceive the multicultural reality as an intercultural reality, understood as a network of communicating compartments in which one can exercise critical thinking but freed from prejudices and stereotypes to grasp the value of difference as mutual enrichment. Intercultural education has the task of promoting plurilingualism, of contributing to the teaching and learning of the Italian language and of providing methodological and operational insights to achieve this objective in daily life. In light of these challenges, the affinities and potentials of intercultural education and linguistic education, this volume aims to provide different tools for reflection for those who face the problem of how to teach Italian to migrants and want it to do with scientific bases and how to make the interculture an interesting  experience for all the students.
Key words
foreign students, multicultural school, intercultural education, plurilingualism
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University of Florence
Co-funded by The Erasmus+ programme of the European Union.
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.
This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
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