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Diadori P.
Insegnare italiano a stranieri
Full reference
Diadori P. (cur.)   (2015). Insegnare italiano a stranieri.  Milano: Le Monnier.
The new edition of the volume Italian Teaching to Foreigners is proposed almost ten years after the first (published in 2001) and takes into account the many changes that have taken place both in Italian society and in European linguistic politics, which have had many influences on teaching Italian as a foreign language both in Italy and abroad.
The first part summarizes some of the crucial aspects for the training of the language teacher in general (Principles of glottodidattica) and Italian L2 in particular.
The second part deals with concrete teaching situations and interprets operational interventions in the light of the theories and studies presented in other parts of the volume (Analysis of teaching materials, Design of materials and Unity of work).
Key words
foreign students, teaching materials, theory and methods
Other interesting information
The main recipients of the book are the university students of teaching modern languages, Italian L2, Italian linguistics, as well as the teachers of Italian L2 in training. In particular, the volume is designed for those who are preparing to pass the DITALS, CEDILS and DILS certification tests.
Interest for the project
Contributor´s name + email
University of Florence
Co-funded by The Erasmus+ programme of the European Union.
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.
This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
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