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Vanda Hájková, Iva Strnadová
Inclusive education: theory and practise
Full reference
Hájková, V. & I. Strnadová (2010).   Inclusive education: theory and practise. Prague: Grada.
The monograph is devoted to inclusive education, a pedagogical concept, according to which all children should attend mainstream classes, regardless of their degree of disability. Nowadays, we are naturally fully recognizing the right of all people to education, so the crucial question is not whether the child can be educated in a regular school, but how to enable such a child to benefit from it, in order to benefit from it itself and its surroundings. The monograph brings to all those interested in Czech school practice the development of the present theories of inclusive education, the interpretation of its principles and the methodology. Its aim is to create at the same time the theoretical background for advancing inclusive education in schools. The basis is a factual theoretical study supplemented by examples of good practice from the Czech Republic and from abroad. The publication is intended primarily for students of pedagogical disciplines and for professional public - educators, psychologists, social workers and counseling centers, including staff of the newly created Center for the Promotion of Inclusive Education.
Key words
Inclusive   Education, School Practise, Principles and Methodology, Good Practices
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Contributor´s name + email
LS PELICAN (CZ) info@skolapelikan.cz
Co-funded by The Erasmus+ programme of the European Union.
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.
This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
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