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Author and contact
Koula Charitonos and Agnes Kukulska-Hulme
{koula.charitonos; agnes.kukulskahulme}@open.ac.uk
Community-based   interventions for language learning among refugees and migrants
This paper presents recent research projects carried out at The Open University UK that involved work with migrant learners. Across these projects the aim was to understand the use of mobile technologies, to create and evaluate a number of mobile applications for informal learning scenarios, and to design learning activities with an aim to support language acquisition. By drawing on a small exploratory study carried out in community settings with diaspora youth we reflect on technology deployed, methods used and lessons learnt with an aim to contribute to research agenda that could guide HCI research in refugee contexts.
Key words
Technology-supported   learning, language learning; communitylearning; migrants; refugees
Full reference (publication/web link)
K.   Charitonos and A. Kukulska-Hulme 2017. Community-based interventions for   language learning among refugees and migrants. In Proceedings of HCI and   Refugees Workshop, Communities & Technologies 2017, France, July 2017, 4   pages - http://oro.open.ac.uk/49677/4/ACM_HCI%20Refugees_Charitonos%2BKukulska-Hulme.pdf   
Other interesting information
This paper   recognizes the huge potential of mobile technology for providing more   efficient and sustainable support of immigrants and refugees, especially in   relation to addressing their need for developing their language skills in the   host country. Open University started projects and apps that favoured   ‘incidental learning’, i.e inententional learning while doing other   activities, and the use of smartphones which triggers language learning.
Interest for the project
Contributor´s name + email
Stéphanie Barillé - stephanie@unak.is
Co-funded by The Erasmus+ programme of the European Union.
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.
This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
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