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Author and contact
Elizabeth   Colucci, Hanne Smidt, Axelle Devaux, Charalambos Vrasidas, Malaz Safarjalani   and Jonatan Castaño Muñoz – Elizabeth.colucci@eua.be   
Free Digital   Learning Opportunities for Migrants and Refugees: An Analysis of Current   Initiatives and Recommendations for their Further Use
‘The MOOCs4inclusion study was conducted between   July and October 2016. Its objective was to assess the extent to which MOOCs   and other free digital learning (FDL) offers (including free   mobile learning) are effective and efficient ways of developing the skills   needed by migrants and refugees (mainly third-country nationals in Europe)   for inclusion, civic integration, re-engagement in formal or non-formal   education and employment.’
Key words
Digital learning,   mobile learning, migrant education, inclusion, civic integration
Full reference (publication/web link)
Other interesting information
This document is a report about the project and its   activities (see above to get Access to their catalogue and resources).
Interest for the project
Contributor´s name + email
Stéphanie Barillé - stephanie@unak.is
Co-funded by The Erasmus+ programme of the European Union.
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.
This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
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