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Project Coordinator and partners
Project coordinator: Oxfam Italia Intercultura
Partners:  Arci Massa, Arci Pisa, Arci Lucca, Arci Cecina, Arci Livorno, Arci Versilia,   Arci Valdera, Ass Dica, Ass Betania, Arcidiocesi   Lucca, La Pira, Coeso Fi, Diaconia Valdese, Caritas Fi, Cospe, Arci FI, Agenzia sviluppo Valdesi, Ass Porta aperta, progetto Accoglienza, Arci Arezzo, Società della Salute Grosseto, Altra Città Grosseto, Heimat Grosseto.
Title & Reference code
“Alfabeti e Linguaggi per la cittadinanza” (project co-funded by the EU)
2014 - 2020
Objectives of the project are:
-         experimentation of innovative paths for language training;
-         involvement of vulnerable targets to promote their inclusion and the exercise of active citizenship;
-         capillarity of the interventions;
-         strengthening of the territorial network with a regional dimension;
-         systematization of an innovative and experimental linguistic training model for vulnerable targets.
The project is developed on three different types of activities:

- language training with an experimental approach for vulnerable users; an integrated training offer of 50 innovative training courses is planned for vulnerable targets such as: foreign minors at risk of exclusion, unaccompanied foreign minors, illiterate   people, foreigners with mental health problems, men with low literacy levels, women foreign;
- services to facilitate access for vulnerable users: the project envisages the strengthening of the regional   system for the involvement of vulnerable users and the detection of training needs;
- territorial network: the project foresees the implementation of the orientation information system through the strengthening of the territorial network of all the subjects involved in the provision of linguistic training paths.
Key words
citizenship, territorial network, social inclusion, innovative and experimental linguistic training, migrants, integration.
Link to the project's website
Other interesting information
FAMI program
Interest for the project
Contributor´s name + email
University of Florence
Co-funded by The Erasmus+ programme of the European Union.
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.
This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
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