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Project Coordinator and partners
UK - Tish Taylor   (Action Aid & South Thames College), Becky Winstanley & Dermot Bryers   (English for Action), Alice Cutler (Trapese Popular Education Collective).
Title & Reference code
Reflect   ESOL
An exciting   approach to education that is spreading in the UK is Reflect ESOL, (English for   Speakers of Other Languages). It has adapted the approach to teaching   language and literacy developed by Paulo Freire in Latin American in the   1950s and 1960s.
As with many radical   pedagogies, the Reflect methods are most clearly illustrated in comparisson   to to the banking or traditional method of education. Information is not   merely deposited in the brains of learners but is co-developed through   dialogue. The name comes from the cycle of experiential learning that sees   action, reflection and education as intrinsically linked.
Rather than   presenting any fixed world view, problem posing and attention to power   dynamics inside and outside the classroom are central.
Reflect classes   are therefore linked to positive social transformation, whether this be   community organising, asserting human rights or tackling injustice. One   provider, who are using Reflect methods, English for Action say; “We believe   that better language skills will enable many migrants to put more into, and   get more out of, life in London. The emphasis is voluntary,rather than   compulsory, integration. Participants will be better equipped to affect   positive changes in their homes, communities and workplaces.”
The Reflect   methods are not only politically powerful but are also very effective for   language acquisition . Reflect ESOL tools provide a means to systematically   record the points of a discussion and the language created through creative   visuals, which are then used for deeper analysis. This can make the approach   seem challenging for teachers who are used to pre-determined outcomes or   target-based models. However each teacher can take the approach at a pace   which is comfortable to them and to their learners.
Key words
English language, radical   education, reflect method, social transformation, community
Link to the project's website
Other interesting information
Reflect ESOL is a   very interesting approach to English learning which understands language   knowledge as a tool important for community involvement and for introducing   social change. Their engaged approach is very inspiring.
Interest for the project
Contributor´s name + email
Stéphanie Barillé - stephanie@unak.is
Co-funded by The Erasmus+ programme of the European Union.
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.
This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
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